

  • 9
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:外资企业
  • 公司地址: 云南省 昆明 官渡区 关上街道 官渡区国贸路君悦兰庭四单元903室
  • 姓名: 胡正平
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


  • 所属行业:展会 活动策划
  • 发布日期:2018-07-24
  • 阅读量:211
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:9999.00 个
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:云南昆明官渡区关上街道  
  • 关键词:东盟养生,昆明养生,2018昆明养老论坛


    为进一步贯彻落实习总书记*报告提出的“实施健康中国战略”,“积极应对人口老龄化,构建养老、孝老、敬老政策体系和社会环境”,2018年中国**工作报告提出,发展居家、社区和互助式养老,推进医养结合,提高养老院服务质量。充分利用云南具有区位、气候、环境、资源、文化、旅游等发展大健康产业的多重优势,搭建一个国际性的“健康生活、休闲养生、品味人生、幸福养老” 的交流平台,着力打造绿色生态、休闲养生,健康生活目的地。由多个相关部门牵头组织的*二届“中国(昆明)国际养生养老产业博览会”将于今年11月在昆明举行。To further implement the Healthy China Strategy proposed by President Xi in the reports of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and respond to the aging population positively, then build a policy system and social environment for pension, filial piety and respect to the elderly. The work statement of Chinese government in 2018 proposes the development of home, community and mutual support pension. It still promotes the combination of medical care to improve the service quality of nursing homes. We make full use of Yunnan’s multiple advantages in developing the great health industry such as location, climate, environment, resources, culture, and tourism, etc., to build an international communication platform on healthy life, leisure life, tasty life and happy life, as well to focus on building an ecological place of leisure life and healthy living. The 2nd International Health-care and Pension Industry Expo Kunming, China will be held in November 2018.基本情况如下:名称:2018*二届“中国(昆明)国际养生养老产业博览会”时间:2018年11月9日—12日地点:昆明国际会展中心(关上)主题:“养生养老彩云南·健康生活目的地”宗旨:搭建一个国际性的“健康生活、休闲养生、品味人生、幸福养老” 的交流平台Basic Information: Title: 2018 the 2nd International Health-care and Pension Industry Expo Kunming, ChinaTime: Nov. 9th ~12th , 2018Address: Kunming International Convention and Exhibition Center (Guanshang District)Theme: Colorful Yunnan, Wonderland of pension and healthy livingObjective: to build an international communication platform on Healthy life, Leisure life, Tasty life Happy life本次博览会的组织机构The organization of the Expo 指导单位:云南省老龄工作**办公室Guidance unit: China National Commission on Ageing Yunnan Branch主办单位:中国国际贸易促进**云南省分会、云南省老龄事业发展基金会、云南省保健食品行业协会、云南省绿色(**)食品产业协会Organizer: CCPIT, Yunnan Branch,Foundation for the professional development of the elderly in Yunnan province,Yunnan Healthy Food Association,Yunnan Green food (organic) Industry Association,承办单位:云南中马文化传播有限公司Sponsor: Yunnan Sino-Malaysia Culture Transmission Co., Ltd,支持单位:云南省民政厅、云南省商务厅云南省工商联云南省侨联昆明市博览局中国保健协会机构养老分会东盟各国驻昆明**事馆Sponsors: Civil Affairs Department of Yunnan ProvinceCommerce Department of Yunnan ProvinceYunnan Province Federation of industry and CommerceYunnan Confederation of Returned Overseas ChineseKunming Municipal Exhibition BureauChina Health-care Aging Association, Yunnan branchGeneral Consulates of ASEAN in Kunming

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